The Elder Scrolls Online Patch 1.0.3


Zenimax continues its pace of corrective updates daily with 1.0.3 patch was deployed yesterday morning. It remains in line with previous patches, with mainly fixes for bugs with quests. Some problems of skills and crafts have been fixed along the way.

Ler also continued parallel development of American studio Raidelorn , which will be the first adventure area and arrive with the first content patch.

Zenimax on Patch 1.0.3 ( Source )


The Elder Scrolls Online v1.0.3 present a number of corrections to the content already in place, with a particular focus on the gameplay and quests that impeded progress. We are working hard to correct these problems, and other concerns you have reassembled us; we will keep you informed of the resolution of these. We also continue to fight against the more general problem of “botting” and “gold-spammers.” Although these release notes do not mention this particular topic, be aware that changes to fight against these evils occur regularly and often by non-visible or non-public changes. We always receive your reports and we continue to treat them as part of the subject to high priority. Thank you to continue to send them to us and thank you for your patience.


War Alliances 


– Trying to use / stuck to Cyrodiil not recommend more use / bug instead of / help if you’re really stuck (e).

– Fixed a problem that prevented the update icon on the map if we captured all the resources around the same time.

– You build now against players of Ultimate upgraded to the battle.

Gameplay and Combat 


– Tiles money rank 2 can now be restored on your skill bar if you remove in.

– Fixed a problem with the Set of the scout. It gives you more Stamina regeneration too large.

Crafts and Economy 


– You should not deconstruct powers by accident the helmet you have equipped.

– The sales value of the food you are cooking has been reduced to make it a common measure with the other branches of handicraft.

Dungeons and Groups 

black Anchors

– You should no longer get stuck (e) if all the followers were killed as they emerge.


– The Dungeon prohibited: after killing the Haunting of the cell and the other monsters, guard Areldur will be no bomb.

– The Dungeon prohibited: Fixed a problem in the part of the final boss, that was not so you have the quest but were not at the right stage.



– You must now restart the game client after a patch, to be sure (e) not to get stuck (e) on the loading screen.

– Fixed a problem that propelled you into the air when you walk on certain objects.



– Beneath the Ashes: Monsters of the abandoned mine should now reappear as planned.

– A sticky situation: it should not be possible to get stuck (e) in the cell when you are together (e) with another player.

– Actual: Fixed an issue that prevented using the crystal monsters when suitable.


– Unearthing the past: the particles should not be impossible to pick up if you are at the right stage of the quest, as could sometimes happen.

– The Fall of Carzog: Caleen Lambur and should now speak to you without fail.

Island Morneroc

– Man frost: it should now be possible every time to find the third clue.


– The army of Meridia: Rampart should not appear in a sometimes resistant to any interaction state.

– Crossing the abyss: you should always be able to start and through the events of Portal.

– Crossing the abyss: the fight against Molag Grunda should reset properly if you resurrect after death.


– Trade Negotiations: quest markers were added to the compass and world map for each step.

– Trade Negotiations: Bodani and Raston should now appear systematically when making the quest.

– Challenge Gruznak: the horn Signage should always be used to invoke Gruznak.


– Lineage tooth and nail: the werewolf hampered should now speak as expected when you take him in the cave.

Wood Graht

– Soul forgotten: you should be able to interact with the stone Welkynd every time.

– Scars is for life: Slim-Jah will talk systematically and hunters will be arranged whenever you duel.

– Havre agitation: Event ritual should always appear as expected, and should not be interrupted when there are several players in the area.


– Anchors Port: Doshia saw its reduced powers.

Main quest

– Castle Ver: Fixed an issue that could block the quest if you logged out during the step “Watch the scene.”

– Castle Ver: Cadwell should not decide to stop following you.

– Daughter of giants: the exit portal should appear automatically when you beat the final boss.

Malabal Tor

– Arithiel: Event sorcerer should now appear as expected when you are on the right step in the quest.

Walk from the Grim Reaper

– Falling Hadran: back to the Tand area boss no longer interrupt the quest.


– Justice of the Fallen: Léonce well should reappear as planned.

– The Liberation of Pointe-Nord: Darien is no longer stuck, what prevented you complete the quest.

The Scree

– Building confidence: it should be much easier to find and treat the peasants.

– Divine Favor: Corrected an issue that prevented invoke the captain of the guard.


– Fixed a problem that prevented the allocation of success Scourge dreams, Champion / Champion guardians of mind and Allied / Allied Azura.

– The funeral ideal: it should be much easier to find vasards.

The Breach

– The body to the test: you should be able to tackle all the bosses as expected.

– The tomb in the mountain: you should always be able to reanimate a corpse that you follow.



– The “Account expired” error message should now display properly regardless of the language selected for the client.

– The error message “An unknown error occurred” has been changed to be more clear and informative.